Well I have always been told that brand new car's are cursed but never have had a brand new car until now to find that out for myself........well they must be!!! We have had our brand new Scion XB for 2 weeks now and the poor little thing has already been hit!!! I know!!! Kip and his brother Rick went out to Phills BBQ for lunch the other day (the coveted Phills) and as they were leaving the parking lot a lady in a BMW was a little TOO excited about her Phills french Fry's and backed straight into the drivers side corner of our front bumper! Kip said he could not be TOO mad at her since she also shared a love for Phills, but he was pretty sad I must say! The lady was super nice and we should be getting it fixed by the end of the week so it is all OK but still.... SERIOUSLY???? I am just glad that #1 I was not the one driving so I could not get in trouble :), #2 that it was JUST the front bumper, an easy fix, #3 that it was NOT OUR FAULT, #4 that little Brooke was not in the car, #5 that the lady was super nice,and #6 We are happy that we get a new bumper that does not have holes screwed into it for a lame front licence plate. So that is our way of being positive! Here are a few shots of our new baby all dinged up!
#7 Kip just had an AMAZING lunch!!! I love Phils. But back to your new car that does suck. When I started college I got a brand new corolla and the first time I drove it to school my friend hit me! I was so bummed. But it IS totally true that new cars are cursed!!! But I'm glad that Kip and his brother gots phils. Did Kip wear his shirt?!? hahahah
That stinks! Godd luck geting it fixed. That kind of thing is such a hassle.
i have never heard of Phils...is it local? poor car...but you are right, everything will turn out fine!
That stinks sorry. Glad it was not too bad. sounds like this phils place is something I need to try. What is so good there?
so that totally bites!!! Can I just tell you that when I had a new car I got in three accidents in less than a year...hope your car does not share the same fate. Glad the lady who hit you had insurance.
So sad!! It's like dropping ypur brand new phone, but 10 times worse!! So glad that it is working out ok and that the lady stepped up! And that it was a BMW lady with $ and not a uninsured illegal alien! That would have really sucked!
seriously... when we got our new car, before we could even get on the freeway some idiot tried cutting us off and nearly took us all out.... my heart was racing till we got home 20 minutes later. and the car I got before that was a civic and not even a week after getting it someone did a hit and run with my car on the 91 fwy. I tried chasing the car, but it got away. I was SOOO mad. So yes i totally understand your frustration.
SOOO glad you arent the one paying for it! that always makes it easier to swallow!
shut up that sucks. So soon?! Glad you have a good outlook on it. ANd its nice that she was so nice about it and not a total B. Heres to brand new cars with dings!
#7-didnt touch the wicked awesome tinted windows.
That seriously stinks... glad it wasn't your fault.
glad everyone was ok!
That what happens when you eat at Phil's on the Sabbath.
Wow , what is the deal with you and cars? Glad that everything worked out!
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