Happy Thanksgiving to All!!!
I hope you all had a Happy Turkey Day, Kip and I had a blast with Kip's family! We hosted Thanksgiving at our house but Kip's mom provided pretty much all the food. I know, I really know how to host a party don't I? I got to cook my very first Turkey (that was my one responsibility) and it actually turned out pretty good and moist. I was SO proud of myself, Kip and I officially feel like adults now, making turkeys and having Holidays at our place. We missed Kip's Brother Rick and hope he had a fun time with Aunt's, Uncles, Cousins, and Grandparents up in Utah for the Holidays.
One of these days we are going to host a Thanksgiving here with my whole fam and Kip's whole fam, it would be a blast, especially if the mom's bring all the food again, hehehe... just kidding!
Well dinner was AMAZING, I almost had a mishap with the turkey but thank goodness I saved it in time, I did the turkey in the bag but forgot to poke hols in the top of it...oops! About 2 hours into the cooking process I look in the oven and the bag looks like it is going to blow up? Thank goodness my mother in law called me just then and asked how the turkey was going, I told her it is good but that the bag looks like it might explode, that is when she reminded me about the holes I was supposed to poke, oops! I am glad we did not have a disaster!
At dinner we played a cool game where we went around the table and did different things like list 5 people we are thankful for, list why we are thankful for the people at the table, sing a song (well we kinda skipped that one) it was fun!
Well I hope you all had a great time thinking of all of the things you are thankful for and spending time with family! Happy Thanksgiving 1 day late!