....back in November, right before Thanksgiving, our little family was lucky enough to take a trip up to Utah for Kip's Grandpa Ginos's 80'th Birthday Party. It was a super fun trip and a wonderful time spent with family. It was Brooke's first airplane ride, first time meeting her Great Grandma and Grandpa Ginos, and lots of other family, her first trip to Utah, her first time in the snow, and her first piece of candy :) I do not want to boar you with a ton of chitter chatter. Lets just say it was an awesome time with family! I just LOVE being a part of this amazing bunch of people!
The birthday party was beautiful and a ton of fun. Sue and Sheri did an AMAZING job at putting all the little details together. We really had a blast!
So here are some pictures because they say 1,000 words right?
So due to work schedules we all flew up to Utah at different times. Grandma R, Aunt Laurie, Cousin Hailee, Brooke, and I all flew up first. We wanted to get up there a day earlier and do a "girls" day together getting everything ready for the party. Here we are 3 grown up women, 2 babies, 2 car seats, 3 huge suitcases, and 4 carry on items. LOTS TO TOTE AROUND with no men!
Grandma Robinson, Great Grandma Ginos, Brooke, and Hailee
Uncle Rickey and Brooke
Party Time!
Great Grandma and Grandpa Ginos (SO SWEET)
Sheri and Sue aren't they pretty sisters?
Rick, Janae, and Brooke setting the mood!
Laurie, Shannon, and Me in our cute homemade aprons (thanks Grandma Robinson)
Me, Laurie, and Sue
What a good daddy!
Brooke LOVES Shannon
And she's out, good thing she is comfey on Grandpa.
Old El Cajon Stake'rs!
And now for the way home! We had 6 adults, 1 baby, 6 large suitcases, & 3 carry on's in a Ford Expedition, it was a tight squeeze but we made it happen :)
Kip, Brooke, and I on our first flight as a family (Brookes 2'nd official flight)
We had to sit for like 20 min as they de-iced the plane, it was super loud and annoying. It was snowing like CRAZY when we were leaving.
While waiting in the airport we thought we would touch a twizzlers to Brooke's little lips to see her reaction, immediately she pulled it out of my hand and started sucking like crazy on it, it was so funny! I know, I am a bad mom, whatever!
All and all it was a wonderful trip full of firsts and full of fun with family. That is what the Holiday season is all about anyway.
That was such a fun trip! Wish we could do more trips like that!
Sounds like a blast! Glad you all had a great time :)
sounds like fun! little brooke is so so cute. i would be so scared to be flying while it was snowing like that outside!!! yikes. glad you made it back safely.
looks like so much fun. it's hard to tell kip from his brother at a fast glance. your a good mommy giving that baby candy, life is short let her enjoy the spoils of life!!! chocolate is the best!! i'll bring her some for christmas. love you guys!
Brooke is looking intense with her licorice! You go girl....feel lucky your parents give you that because your Auntie never would ;)
Looks like it was a ton of fun and how nice to say you have survived your first airplane trip with a child!
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